Early Americana
Celebrate the history of the United States when you choose our early Americana collection of books. We have titles that are sure to thrill any history buff. These titles are designed to educate and inspire readers everywhere.
Our collection of early Americana books was published in the United States and includes a variety of topics, such as government, war, politics, religion, science, medicine, and American history. These also include biographies and other items of interest to the Americana book collector. Please note that this publication only includes works from the United States of America.
American Ephemera
In our collection of early American ephemera, we place emphasis on pre-1800 materials, including letters and other items up to and including the Civil War. We also hold government publications, such as acts of the presidents, the House of Representatives, and the Senate. Our private publications concern current events or are centered around early sermons about current topics. Readers will also enjoy access to letters and other pieces of ephemera from the era of the American Revolution.
British Books
Classic British titles can be found at our bookstore. Our shelves are stocked with a series of different subjects from noted names in British history. We have a large selection of Early British printed books, including black letterpress books that were printed prior to 1600. Some of the fascinating topics available in our store include poetry, science, law, religion, travel, and government. We also have an excellent collection of natural history books, documenting British explorers' travels and collection of species from around the world. Whether you are looking to expand your collection or you are searching for specific rare book titles, we have something to fit your tastes.